Thursday, May 15, 2008

//A Month!/

Almost, since I last posted anyways.

Lets see...well I've read some more books lately. This series called "The Fire Within" which is pretty cool. It's kind of for children LOL, then again, isn't Harry Potter? There's four books at the moment, and I think a fifth is scheduled for next year...not really sure. Danielle saw them in K-Mart and rememered reading them in primary school, heheh. I've just started to read the fourth. c:

We also finally have our books from Amazon! They came about two weeks ago: the third of the House of Night series, and two of the Vampire Academy books. I haven't read those yet! xD Oh, and we got Stephenie Meyer's new book - The Host! I haven't read that either (*fail*) but Danielle has, and she said it's pretty good!

I haven't gotten to those books yet because I've started Final Fantasy XII again! A few months ago Daniel lent us his FFXII walkthrough book (he doesn't have the game - go figure!) and I only just started playing it again last week (I think that was when I started it...) I got stuck ages ago, and I'm happy to say I passed that spot not! Yay. xD Though I don't think the game even comes close to the awesomeness that is FFX(2) and FFVIII. There's not enough cutscenes with characters interacting with one another - I don't have much of an emotional attachment with them for that reason. And there's not much back story. Although, I love the graphics and the battle system! *thumbs up* Except Quickenings = Pain in the ass. Dx For me anyways.

What else...oh! Oh! Last week (Saturday) Dad, Mum, Danielle and I went and saw the Iron Man movie. Augh, I loved it. So much that Mum, Danielle and I went again today, LOL! Dad was like "What! Again?!" Haha. Yeah, Dad! I think it's a great movie. And now I have got to get the soundtrack, darn it! I'll end up having to get it from Amazon like the Transformers one... *has downloaded some already though* ^^;;

I am also very peeved that Supernatural isn't back on TV yet...damn it channel ten! The US got the new episodes like, two/three weeks ago. I need my Dean/Sam fix! Smallville's still on, so I'm okay, lol.

Lots of Twilight stuff has been happening, I can't even list everything. The official site ( -- Go theeere) is up with the Teaser Trailer that came out a week or so ago on MySpace! That's the main thing. <3 And I do. not. like. the synopsis they put on there. "mortal enemies" psshhh.

Um...oh yeah, we went to Sarah's again on Monday. Haven't been since a few days after I posted those pictures, I think. So Lucky's noticeably bigger now! I'll put some up. c:

I think that's a long enough update! I tend to ramble with blogs...

Here's the pics:


Aww look at his tongue! xD

*heart melts* Lol.


Lucky and I! (bleargh!)

Just 'coz I like this picture. Best picture I've taken of the moon! Lol.

I'm off to bed after listening to those three Iron Man songs I downloaded! (Dang 6GB limit! Dx)