Thursday, January 1, 2009

//Haaappy New Year./

Happy New Year, dudes! Hope everyone had fun welcoming 2009. I celebrated it my usual way - watching the Sydney NYE broadcast on TV with the family, lol. ...I had Doritos and dip! Yum. Then sent new years texts to people, sat around for a bit and went to bed. x3 Hooray.

Not even going to *think* about resolutions. *sigh* Oyyy. v____v;;

Hmm...what to look forward to next year...

Well, my license expires in March, LOL! So I'll either have to rush to try to get my P's, or just pay for that extension thing again.

SuperOzCon in April. :DDD Should be like, the best. day. *EVER*. Lol. So excited. Except I'm kind of panicking about saving up the money for the airfares lol, I've turned into a major scrooge! *hoards money* We can save another $200 before April, right..?

I could even get a job *le gasp*! That would make my money issues a lot easier. But my fear of public transport kind of ruins that, lol. Hence I need my P's, stat! :| I don't like driving... .____.;;

Umm...that's it. xDDD


Louie has settled in so great, it's a shock! Had him five days now. I have to keep telling me he's not a Cockatiel, and that he has a different temperament (and personality) to Roxie. Barely anything seems to faze him. :P

He's so freaking adorable! Already he's started to learn to laugh - I heard a pretty clear "hah hah!" from him today - although Danielle said it sounded like he was imitating Kookaburras (which are at the aviary we bought Louie from - in a big aviary out the back)

He had a bath two days ago, and one again today - so damn cute. :3 He's so soft and cuddly.:3 Naw.

We also got a few perches and stuff to add to his cage to help him a bit, because he keeps climbing to the top of his cage and squawking - either because he hasn't figured out how to climb back down yet and is stuck, or he's frustrated that he's at the top of his cage and can't climb any higher, lol. He flaps his wings sometimes too...maybe he wants to fly? One of his wings is clipped though, so that's impossible!



Louie's new and improved cage. c:

Snuggling up in Danielle's jumper, teheh.


Also, videos! :D

Louie "squak"ing with/at Roxie:

Laughing/clucking at his mirror toy (previously Roxies, LOL)

Me feeding him some carrot, nom!