Tuesday, June 30, 2009


It must have been around 8am when Mum came into my room Friday morning, woke me up and said with disbelief "they're saying on the news that Michael Jackson is dead!" I was barely awake and just said "Oh my god!" and fell back asleep, LOL. I didn't think it was true, really. Along with the Jeff Goldblum death rumor that day, haha...

I read his Wikipedia page throughout today and I'm sad now, heh. (Lisa Marie's MySpace blog, baw :c) Along with this supposed "leak" of his autopsy report is... really sad. There's a lot of stuff I'd never known about.

Gosh I feel sorry for him - I don't believe that child molestation stuff (a mental health professional's assessment was he'd become a regressed 10-year-old and did not fit the profile of a pedophile - sounds more likely to me, as well of the fact he was acquitted of all charges) and I got really frustrated at how people could take advantage of someone because of their generosity and wealth. And it affected him so much he resorted to medication? :/

I know I wasn't the hugest fan and he was definitely an individual lol, but still. Depressing.

I've been listening to my favourite MJ songs for a couple of nights heheh, ahh nostalgia! His music was a lot of what was played by Mum and Dad when we were young (along with Tina Arena, Shania Twain, Bryan Adams, Garth Brooks and ABBA to name a few) so his songs have a lot sentimental value. I remember playing around with Ness and Kim when we were little to his songs, good times. ^^ And of course watching his movie Moonwalker with them LOL.



Alsooo, seeing Transformers 2 tomorrow! I went with Danielle and Mum to see the first showing last Wednesday and it was AWESOME. Skids, Mudflap and Wheelie FTW. And so many more hehe. Of course it's not Oscar worthy, but I really enjoyed it. :3

Ohoh Terrie's out of hospital now! Yay. She had the operation on the tumor in her head and everything seems to be going well now - she doesn't even need any radiation treatment. Will be seeing her on Saturday with Sarah. :) Got her the first three Vampire Academy books as well, just to give her a little somethin' somethin' lol. Hope she likes 'em.

Hmmm I want to change the banner thingo but I don't know what the hell to do. D:

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


If you know me well I'm pretty sure you'd know I'm pretty nostalgic. :P

Over the last few nights I've been reading my old blog on my MSN Space - friggen LOL. I have some really annoying typos in there. But I love reading them, really takes me back. :) Especially when I flipped through my old diaries from late '02 - '03, which I've just done! xDDD Wow.

When I look back to when I was in high school - comparing it to today, I always got wistful and wish I could go back to those days. But after reading the blog/diary entries I sort of got a figurative slap in the face from my past self LOL, god I whined about school a lot. Not the hangin' with friends part, just school itself ahah. Especially around the year 11/12 mark. I was constantly going on about how I hated school and I just wanted it to be over with alreaddyyy ahahah.

It gets me down though LOL remembering how much fun I had with friends - having a ball fangirling with Jodie over Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings/Final Fantasy/Project Zero etc., hanging at the local horse stable with Krystal, zillions of sleepovers (w00t), Ouija Board shenanigans, Rundle Mall visits and the massively fun times I had in '05/'06 with Terrie, Sarah, Angelo, Kim and others (late night gaming and park visits FTW xDD). c:

I see barely any friends these days, heh.


Good times, I miss 'em. (:

It's had it's ups and downs, of course. There were a lot of dramas between friends - even some I had with my own friends, fallout's, bickering, etc. Some I'd completely forgotten about until I'd re-read them bahah. I got really emo too, eek. Don't remember what was going on with that. xD

I've even kept old diaries and random notes written/drawn with friends during school because I like to go back and have a laugh while looking at them. Not to mention MSN conversations. x3 I lovelove looking at old photographs with friends, too. ^___^

Maybe I spend a little too much time looking back, hmm? :/

Welp, I'm off to bed, anywho.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Hmmm a little while since I blogged. Lol I'm bored, so away I go!

Sydney was awesome (forgot how much I hate flying OMG) - the convention was amazing. :D There were a few things that put a damper on the experience, like me looking hooorrrible in the photos with Jensen and Jared LOL augghh I emo'd so much when I saw 'em. Ah well. Also the fact that J2 were sitting, not standing, made it really awkward for me ahah. *note awkward hand on Jensen's shoulder*

Taken off my Facebook 'cos I'm lazy:

Gah, so ew. :/

Got a nice smile from both boys, Jared especially! He's very friendly and seems to make it a point to look and smile at the people he gave autographs too. Whereas with Jensen it was a shy quick-glance-smile kinda thing. :P

Everything seemed to be really disorganized and chaotic too, (apparently it was a lot better on Sunday - sigh) with things being delayed, and the late delivery of the photos and such, but everything else was great. It was understandable with this being one of The Hub's largest events :) Misha Collins is HILARIOUS (as are the boys ;P). Gawd. And my photos were okay, I guess. :P The whole weekend was recorded by The Hub and I'm awaiting the DVD in the mail! ^___^

We didn't end up going to Bondi Beach like we'd planned, because of the cruddy weather - rained nearly the whole time we were there. We got soaked at Taronga Zoo LOL that place is bloody huge! Have to say I enjoyed Melbourne Zoo a lot better. *nodnod* Still fun though! And the area with the seals/penguins looks amazing. They have like, three Snow Leopards! *love*

Worst part of the whole trip was - like Melbourne, the hotel room. We were *right* on a relatively busy intersection so there were a lot of people being idiots in cars, car horns constantly going off, pedestrian crossing sounds, people yelling/screaming/singing/breaking things/etc etc. Augh. But we were about a five minute walk from the Uni where the SuperOzCon was, so that made up for it somewhat, heheh.

Bring on another conventionnn! Although I don't have the money for it LOL. U_U;;

Got lots of photos up on my Facebook page. c:


Um...what else...

Ah, The Sims 3! Love it. Although my computer hates it. I need to update my graphics driver thing but when Dad downloaded the update it wouldn't work ><;; damn computerssss. Danielle isn't having much problems, but mine is constantly crashing and it's killing me LOL.

Oh yeah, my damn monitor! I now can't see about two inches on the right side of the screen - happened when I was using Photoshop (same size as the layers window). Totally weird. I have the LCD attached so I'm using that for my monitor now. But anyways, It's a really fun game! Love the new 'Create A Sim'. Although there are some little things missing from The Sims 2 that I miss. My sim is a 'Hit Movie Composer' hehe yay. I love that you can put your own music in the game, too. *puts in movie soundtracks* x3

Danielle and I are watching Charmed - up to season five now! We bought two of the box sets because Blockbuster couldn't find one (season two) and the other was out for another week (season five) which was okay 'coz we got 'em for like $25. ^^ There's other shows I'd like to watch, like One Tree Hill, Ghost Whisperer, among others I can't think of at the moment!)

Also bought Nickelback and Kings of Leon's newest albums - loving them! KoL's 'Closer' is one of my favourite songs and I recently found out it's about a vampire falling in love with a human girl, written after one of the guys saw 30 Days of Night. :3 Haven't seen that one, but Mum enjoyed it. Plus the director from the movie is directing Eclipse! Ooooh lol.

Speaking of which - The ~New~ New Moon trailer = AWESOME. I love iittt. I need to get it in HD! Darn bandwidth limit...

Went driving todaaayy eek. thirty-something hours down and I'm still a shitty/nervous/etc driver aughhh. Mum wants me to drive her Lancer because she thinks the Accent "carries on like a bucket of shit!" lol. I just think the acceleration is kinda sucky (sounds like it's dying when I put my foot down LOL - needs to be tuned?) and the steering wheel is shakey. *shrug*

Louie is being as adorable as ever (although he's had weird episodes and taken chunks of peoples skin with him! Not fun). He now knows how to "shake" and we're kinda teaching him to put his wings up/let us touch his wings, which is for when we *eventually* get our Aviator Harness for him (*squee*). :D He says a bunch of things now, like "What's that?", "Whatcha doin'?" (sounds like "What ya doin'?" hee.), different types of giggles, "kiss kiss! *kissy noise*", "Ready?" (or "readyreadyreadyREADYREADY?" LOL) "Boo!", "Yaaay!" and a bunch of silly noises we make , haha. I'm sure there's stuff I missed.

We've been searching a lot of pet shops lately (as far as past the city) and *finally* found a place that sells pellets! (that aren't Passwell or whatever it is) Jeez. It's at the New Gepps X HQ (is that right?) pet shop called Pet Domain. It's pretty awesome, I'd looove to work somewhere like that. (: Louie's still figuring out what's what and Roxie is of course suspicious of the new food in her bowl and barely touches it. *shakes head* -____-;;

I really need to get out of this house with friends or *some*thing, I'm going a little stir crazy here LOL. *fails at life*

Yikes, another epic text wall. O___o If you read that all, you are awesome. xD

Bed time for meee.