Monday, March 23, 2009


Thought I'd do some bloggin', but I haven't really done anything interesting to blog about, LOL. Sigh.

Did go out a couple of times, gaaassp. Mainly shopping though.

Went to the Glenelg with a bunch of friends which was awesome when I actually went into the water, lol. Went again (Semaphore though - not as good as Glenelg IMO) on Saturday with Mum, Dad and Danielle, too. It was cold when we first got there, but the sun came out for a little while so I managed a little bit of swimming. x3 The water was *freezing* though. I managed to get sunburned too, the one place I forgot sunscreen - my face! And I was wearing sunnies dammit! -_____-;;

Had a movie night on Friday! Can't remember the last time we had one of those - must be over a year! Angelo, Terrie and Sarah came over and we mainly just talked about random stuff and watched Taken (and whatever was on TV after that). It was cool, I hadn't seen Angelo in a looong time, and had hung out with Terrie only a couple of times at her new place and in hospital (got some serious stuff going on with some tumors :/) Hopefully can do it again sometime, it was fun. I was still getting over a cold so I kept leaving the room to blow my nose ahah, I didn't talk much...stupid froggy voice. Well not that I do anyways, LOL!

I got my L's renewed - So sad. Driving is still scary! :| But the sooner I get my license, the sooner I can get a job (public transport = eek) and the sooner I can get moneeyyy haha. ^^;; $20 a week sucks, especially when it's all put away to save for the Sydney trip. I still want to go see Watchmen darn it, and that 17 Again looks good.

Speaking of Sydney, our 12:50pm flight from Syd back to Adelaide was cancelled and then moved to a 6:30am flight. *Not* cool. Since we can even check out that early...prompting a call from Dad which then changed to Mum who got her frustration across, haha. Seems the only other flight is 4:30pm. The hotel we're staying out has checkout at 10am, meaning we'd have to carry our luggage around all day, unless the hotel could hold it for us. Hope so, anyway. Under a month to go! And still waiting for Supernatural to come back on Channel Ten. >:[

Recently I've been hooked on the TV show Bondi Rescue, which follows the lifeguards patroling Bondi Beach in Sydney. I think it's pretty cool, lol. We have the first three seasons on DVD now, haha. Good stuff. It's not too far away from our Sydney hotel, so we could make a little trip down there - especially if we have the 4:30pm flight on Sunday. :3 Hopefully it's not too cold.

We've had Louie for nearly three months now! So he'd be about five months old now, not that we got a hatchdate (haha), that would have been cool. He's started to talk more and more these days, which is so adorable. He makes kissy noises and says "Good booyyy!", "Boo!" and he's starting to say "kiss kiss!" and "clap clap!" because we'd randomly clap when he did good stuff to excite him, haha. We got him some new toys too. ^____^ He's really shy around new people though (Daniel scared him LOL), so he just kinda sits there most of the time, all ".____." lol.



He's getting there. :3

I've read all the available Vampire Academy books now, yayyy. They're awesome. More awesome than Twilight, even! I think so anywho. It just has much more going on than Twilight does. And muuuch less lovey dovey mushy stuff. xD But I still love Twilight and I'm trying to keep up with all the New Moon stuff, haha.

Yeaaahhhh that's it.