Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Bored again, blog time. xD

Trying to think of what I've been up to...not much. Been going MJ crazy LOL. Found an MP3 disc with his Off the Wall, Thriller, Bad, Dangerous, HIStory and Blood on the Dancefloor albums. Jeez, I never realised these albums had been out for that long LOL.

Who watched his memorial and cried?! *raises hand* I don't know why I got that upset LOL! I was fine until they sang Heal the World and when Paris spoke it got so bad that I was sobbing into my tissue lollll. Still have trouble listening to Man in the Mirror, Heal The World and Earth Song. *sigh*

Mum also found his Ghosts film from I think '96, it's great lol the dancing is awesome. :D As well as this "Dangerous: The Short Films" VCD. (MJ called his music videos short films) That one's cool, it has the videos of the songs released from Dangerous, the 'making of' for a few of them and some extra tidbits. :3 Shitty VCD quality though LOL.

I also downloaded a word file of Michael's 1988 autobiography, 'Moonwalker' ahah. It's a good read, nice to get some insight. c: Got some interesting stuff. Would have been cool if he had a more recent one, but It's understandable because he probably wouldn't want to write about the stuff that happened to him in his later years. :/

Aaand the last couple of nights I've been reading summaries of each day of Michael's 2004/2005 trial LOL. I thought it was interesting, especially seeing (reading?) MJ's defence attourneys poking holes in the prosecutions witnesses/testimonies etc. I'd say they were pretty much pwned.

Made me emo for a while though lol, poor MJ. :c He just seemed like such a genuinely sweet and caring person who was naive and had some people walk all over him and the media crap all over him. :[ Not to mention how devastated his children must be, losing their father at such a young age.

I hope they get to the bottom of his death (people are talking murder, now? Jesus) so all the media circus around him can let him rest already (and justice - if those drugs did kill him). I don't know what news is true and what is pure bullshit anymore. ><;;

On a lighter note lolll, getting closer to the next Harry Potter movie! I still think I only saw the previous one once haha, I was really mad at what was changed/absent in the movie. Ah well. Gotta remember to pre-order tickets!!! Yay.

We now have three DVD's from the 90's X-Men TV show! Wootage. :D Storm, Rogue and Gambit are love. I like Jean but she seems pretty useless at the moment LOL. It's all *aauugh!* and *trip-fall*'s. -___-;;

I don't know WTF I'm doing with the HTML here hahaha, I can't change the background/border colours! Hmph.

Yay, it's raining. c: