Thursday, March 27, 2008

//Another Zoo Trip!/

First off, those set pics mentioned in my last blog/post/whatever are...OMG. The best! Dude.

Moving on! xD

Mum, Dad, Danielle and I went to the Adelaide Zoo on Monday! The weather was pretty warm, hot actually, haha. Thank god Mum brought sun screen!

Of course I took a crap load of pictures. xD I think it was *checks folder* 371 photos! Yay LOL. I think I've picked around thirty-something to show here though, haha. Readdyyy? Go!

(BTW - click to see the actual size. They're just a teeny bit smaller here. :P)

Okay go!

Love the Dwarf Mongoose! This guy was actually out and about this time. n___n

Yay, seals! Lol. They looked so bored, swimming around in circles...

Herro, little turtle!

Ahhh Mandrills are so cool. There were about three moving around when we went! So cool. This little guy was digging around in the durt, haha.

Lilly flower thingy in the water surrounding the Mandrill enclosure. (with the turtle!)


Awww, look at hiiim! So adorable. Gah, my bright shirts are visible on the glass, that's why there's green/yellow stuff there. xD

I. Love. The. White. Cheeked. Gibbons! OMG, so cute. The female (I'm thinking she's the cream/yellow one?) was going spazz because there were kids eating Doritos, (note to self: do not go to the zoo on a public holiday! Gah) And she was jumping around everywhere. Then she walked over to the little guy and sat there. There was a collective sigh and "Aww". xD


Poseerrrr. But she's gorgeous anyways.


"AHTHDFISFHJT!!!" Lol. His cries sounded like an imitation of a newborns cries, lol it was weird! There were two Siamangs sitting on the house this one is on, but then this guy started making those weird sounds and the other one was like "Psh! *moves away*". You can just see the other one's hands/feet! xD

Dusky Leaf Monkey! They're with the Malayan Tapirs. I couldn't find them the last time I was there. :c I love the monkeys/apes/primates/whatever!

*Peeks* >.> Oohh I see you, buddy. *moves out of firing line* Once the gibbons started spazzing about the chips, the Siamang's became curious, and so did these guys.
The tree this one was in is directly above where you view the other monkeys. They were dropping leaves and stuff on us! It was funny, because once everyone noticed him/her the crowd parted below it. xD

Ooo, pretty eye. This flamingo was posiiing, hehe.

Pretty flower. I quickly took this pic haha, the bush thing was infested with beeesss ahh.


Yay, Bongo! I love 'em.


O, herro!

The lioness was watching all the kiddies lol, gosh they make a lot of noise!

Took me ages to get a pic of him...people were standing in the waaay!

Can you see his/her food there? Man, it stinks.

One of Mum's personal faves! :D


There was a keeper holding a branch and feeding the Meerkat's right next to them, and they were curious. :P

*woahalmostsymmetrical!* Heheh.

Meerkat doing what they do best!

Tee hee, Echidna's rock.

Hairy-nosed Wombat! I don't know the last time I saw these guys...I don't even remember. We got to see the wombats, Echidna's and a Koala, and I forgot the zoo even had any here! xD

Pretty Kookaburra. n___n

I feel in love with these birds. Are they so pretty? I love the colours! I've never really noticed them before. I think they're Sun Canures...I think.

Ooh la-la! Lolz.

Awh a Squirrel Monkey, so cute!

And lastly, a Star Finch, I believe it's called. *lolnerd* Pretty cute! And they're so tiiiny.

So yeah, it was a pretty good trip, apart from the loud yelling/screaming/crying kids and parents, haha. And we parked kinda far away because the car park outside the zoo was full.

For something completely different, Season 7 of Smallville started on Ten HD today! Woot. Saves me having to download episodes. We started watching all our Smallville box sets from Season 1, and we just got up to season 4 today. Phew.

Mum's only seen up to parts of season 5, so when we watched the new ep today, she was very confused, to say the least. xD Mum wants to have a Smallville marathon now, LOL! Three seasons to watch until next Thursday! Hmm, don't see it happening, haha.

Oh! Danielle's gone back to wearing glasses now. We went to the optometrist on Monday, and she picked some cool frames and got her prescription (is that right? Wtf I have no idea) thingo, which they told us will be ready in two weeks. U__U Lol.

Yeah...that's all, I think. I hope there aren't any typos, It's 12:30am and I'm off to bed, haha. Man, my life is boring LOL.