Friday, April 18, 2008

//More puppy pics!/

Aaauugh, damn you boredom!

Went to Sarah's house a few more times this week. Took a camera one of those times too, to get better pics! It'll be really cool to look back at the pics in a few weeks time to see how much he's grown! We only ever took a few photos of Missy and Brandy when they were really little, and they weren't digital, lol.

But anyways, more pics!

(he's eating an apricot nut, thing)

Lol, Sarah's crotch!

*FLASH* Lol.

And, get this! Apparently the release date for Breaking Dawn in Australia, New Zealand and the UK has been pushed to the 4th of August, instead of the 2nd (same as the US date). Weeell that sucks! *pout* I'll have to steer clear of the internetz for two days. Well, the Twilight sites, at least.

And there's (maybe, since the date's changed) going to be a Breaking Dawn release party at the Angus & Robertson store in Colonnades. I don't even know where that is! Lol! I Google Earth-ed it, and it's past the Adelaide Airport, which is an hour drive away from here. Meaning I won't be going, haha. Poo.

Also! Danielle and I got a pair of apple earrings! We were supposed to be looking for dog collars, but we didn't find any. We had to get them, since we couldn't find any other apple stuff anywhere else! Lol.

Yay! Lolz.

Oh yeah, I forgot. Mum, Danielle and I saw Prom Night on Tuesday. It was okay. Not as "AWESOME!!!" as I'd heard though lol. But Kellan was great, of course! Not much screen time though.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

//Augh, boredom./

Okay, I'm really bored. *sighs*

Let's see...what have I been up to lately? Umm. Oh, I went to see Step Up 2 with Sarah. Good movie! I liked it more than the first one, haha.

Danielle, Mum and I Smallville Marathon'd ourselves to death. We just finished watching the last of the Season 6 episodes and the S7 episodes I downloaded, and we're up to what's on TV now. Woot.

Went on this site's forum a lot. If you're a Twilight fan, go there now! xD

Continuing on the Twilight topic...videos! Quite a few have come out these last few days.

* Taylor Lautner (Jacob Black) shows off his wig! Loool. (Youtube version)
* MTV sheds some light on Stephenie Meyer's (author!) cameo in the movie. (Catherine and Nikki & Kellan on YouTube)
* ET on the set of Twilight! *flails*
* MTV (YouTube version) on the set, and interviieewss! *squee*


Oh, and Sarah's moved into a new place with her boyfriend, Greg. It's about a four minute walk away, which is really cool! We walked down there today and hung out for a little while. It's a nice place. And guess who's got a puppy?!

Heeere's Lucky! He's an eight week old Kelpie. Good luck to them, I think he'll be a handful! Little rascal, lol.

I wanna go see Prom Night, (Kellan's in it ahah) but someone isn't answering the message(s) that I sent four days ago! No probs, we'll be going without her on Tuesday, bahah! :P
