Sunday, April 13, 2008

//Augh, boredom./

Okay, I'm really bored. *sighs*

Let's see...what have I been up to lately? Umm. Oh, I went to see Step Up 2 with Sarah. Good movie! I liked it more than the first one, haha.

Danielle, Mum and I Smallville Marathon'd ourselves to death. We just finished watching the last of the Season 6 episodes and the S7 episodes I downloaded, and we're up to what's on TV now. Woot.

Went on this site's forum a lot. If you're a Twilight fan, go there now! xD

Continuing on the Twilight topic...videos! Quite a few have come out these last few days.

* Taylor Lautner (Jacob Black) shows off his wig! Loool. (Youtube version)
* MTV sheds some light on Stephenie Meyer's (author!) cameo in the movie. (Catherine and Nikki & Kellan on YouTube)
* ET on the set of Twilight! *flails*
* MTV (YouTube version) on the set, and interviieewss! *squee*


Oh, and Sarah's moved into a new place with her boyfriend, Greg. It's about a four minute walk away, which is really cool! We walked down there today and hung out for a little while. It's a nice place. And guess who's got a puppy?!

Heeere's Lucky! He's an eight week old Kelpie. Good luck to them, I think he'll be a handful! Little rascal, lol.

I wanna go see Prom Night, (Kellan's in it ahah) but someone isn't answering the message(s) that I sent four days ago! No probs, we'll be going without her on Tuesday, bahah! :P
