Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Haven't blogged in over a month, hmm.

Haven't been up to much (surprise, surprise!) really.

Went to the Zoo with Sarah and Danielle, that was fun. Sarah got to use her new (pink!) camera that she got for Christmas. It's quite different there now, stuff is being built and moved around/taken away to make way for the Panda's coming in October. Woot woot!

Had a look at the Adelaide Museum too, for the dinosaur exhibit they had going on. Cool stuff. I'd love to do stuff like that - be an archaeologist or paleontologist or something. Except I never did science/biology/etc in high school. xD Lol fail.

What else...oh! Danielle, Sarah and I finally bought our plane tickets for Sydney. It's starting to set it in now. :D Also, Misha Collins is joining us, too! (He plays the Angel, Castiel fyi.) Pretty awesome. Except neither Sarah or Danielle wants to split a $40 a get a photo with him, darn. Oh well, I'm happy with my pics with J & J. :D A little over two months to go!

Sarah also turned 20 in January. We went and had dinner with her and Mum and Dad at the Bombay Bicycle Club. They had a really yummy steak! It looked tiny, but I juuust managed to eat everything. xD Yum.

Came back from a mini holiday to Port Hughes this past weekend, too. Sarah was going with another friend, but there were some problems going on with her, so Sarah made out they would cancel and asked us to go instead, LOL! We left on Friday night, hung out on the beach on Sat and went out to dinner at the local pub and came home on Sunday.

The beach was bloody windy though (and we all managed to get really sunburned haha), so that kinda ruined it a bit. Couldn't put the shade tent up that we'd brought because it was so windy (though there was big one there already) and we kept getting whipped by the sand, haha ooww. Not to mention the beach was choppy, and me not liking waves kinda lowered the fun factor! LOL. :| Was still a really good time, though. I'd go again. :)

Too lazy to upload all photos, though I have an album uploaded with them on my Facebook. :P

I've finally started reading Vampire Academy! We have the three books that are currently released (another one is coming out later this year, I think) and I've nearly finished the first, really enjoying it. n____n

Louie is still the cutest thing ever. Had him around...a month and a half, I'd say. He's hilarious. He's starting to mumble words now! I'm a proud momma! *squishes him*

Although we had a close call almost two weeks ago. He jumped/flew (wing is still clipped) out of his cage to Missy's feet, which caused her to jump and she must have partially squished him because he made this weird screechy noise. :|

I screamed REALLY loudly lol, quickly picked him up and put him back in his cage. I was so scared because I'd heard stories about birds dieing from being stepped on. D: But I guess lucky for us it was Missy, she's light on her feet and she seemed to have jumped out of the way of him anyway. Brandy is like she has bricks on her feet, lol.

He's perfectly fine, just took a little bit to recover from the shock. I'm never keeping the cage door open like that again, that's for sure! Jeeez.

Mum's decided to leave North Side Express, where she's been working at for I think three years or more. David (Sarah's pop, the business owner) wanted to change Mum's hours from 10am - 2pm which didn't work for Mum.

She's made up her mind that she wants something knew. She went for a job interview yesterday, hope it works out! Sarah's sad that she's leaving. :(

Been playing around with our camera, trying to figure out the other settings (It's not an SLR, but "SLR-like" .__.), and I got some pictures of a pretty sunset on Sunday. :3


Yeah...that's pretty much it. Gotta start driving again...dammit lol.

Also - RIP to all those taken by the VIC fires, and my warmest sympathies to all those affected. :( I have some friends and family (nan, pop, aunt, uncle etc.) in Victoria, but lucky the fires haven't touched where they live. At least I don't think so...Mum and Dad haven't contacted them. They've just been checking where the fires are hitting.