Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Supernatural quiz thing, anyone? Lol.

My two favorite characters are __________ and __________.
The character I wish had died is _________.
The character I wish lived is ___________.
My three favorite episodes are __________, ___________ and ___________.
The worst episode is ______________.
I laugh every time I see _____________.
My favorite season is _______________.
The best villain is ______________.
The worst villain is ____________.
____________should have ___________because ____________.
The best couple is __________ and _____________.
The worst couple is __________ and _____________.
The one thing I would change about the show would be: _________________.

My two favorite characters are: Sam and Dean.
The character I wish had died is: Uhh...can't think of anybody! Dx
The character I wish lived is: Mary? Though that would kind of defeat the whole purpose of the show...John? Dean?! *sobs hysterically*

My three favorite episodes are: Oh man! That's a tougie. I'll pick some random faves. Born Under a Bad Sign, What Is And Should Never Be and Mystery Spot.
The worst episode is: Either Bugs or Route 666...Maybe Heart, too lol.

I laugh every time I see: Sam/Dean make a face, say something witty/sarcastic/bitchy? Lol.
My favorite season is: All of them! <3
The best villain is: ...Yellow Eyed Demon? *shrugs*
The worst villain is: Lilith? Bela? *shrugs again*
Sam should have killed Jake when he had the chance because it would have kept Dean from making the crossroad demon deal! ;___;

The best couple is: Sam and Jess, or Sarah.
The worst couple is: Uhhm Dean and Cassie.
The one thing I would change about the show would be: Um...give it a bigger budget. Dx

We bought Super Smash Brothers Brawl today! $77 from KMart. Cheapest we've seen so far. Haven't played it yet because Danielle's still playing Odin Sphere. :c

Oh yeah, gotta do all those widgets again...i'll imitate Dean and exclaim "son of a bitch!" lol. *trudges off*