Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Hey, look. My 50th blog. Lolz.

Hmm I haven't posted a blog in ages! Well... a month, right?


* Twilight is out in the US now! It's doing really well - much better than those stupid haters. Over, is it, $109 mil in two weeks? Yeeuh. It'll be released in Australia and Europe next Thursday, so it'll get more. :D Not bad for a $37 mil budget! Plus, New Moons in production and hopefully starts filming around March '09! :3

* Went to the Zoo about...two/three weeks ago. God, some people can be idiots. 'Nuff said. And Mum does *not* have enough patience, especially when it comes to waiting for me to look at/take pictures of the animals! Gosh. Spent half my time catching up to everybody. xD

* Also went to Waterfull Gully. Hadn't been there since we were little. It was nice, but the falls were kind of...dry. Haha. Didn't have much rainfall during winter. :c Damn drought. But we got awesome Koala pics!

* I have a cold! Haven't had one in a looong time. Probably two years... yeah? I don't know. Sucks, lol.

* Christmas is nigh! Sort of. I wish I had a job, dammit. Then I could have got people presents, with my own money. Also, a lot of games (among other things - like shoes, makeup, clothes...) that I have my eyes on. This low confidence thing is really sucky, lol. .___.;;

* Less than four days until our Melbourne trip! Where does the time go? Mum got suitcases out the other day. We're off food shopping tomorrow - per usual, but only for three days, and whatever it is Dad needs for meals (steak, steak and...oh, steak plz!) lol.

There's been changes with the guest for the Con, too. Kellan, replaced by Edi, and Ashley, replaced with Nikki. That made me sad. :'c Some of my favourite cast members couldn't come. But oh well. Taylor is the third guest too. c:

* Twilight screening tomorrow! Man, I'm excited. But nervous about how it'll be. My Twilight forum buds really enjoyed it, so...yeah! Mum, Dad and Sarah are coming too. Hopefully the crowd will stay squee-free during the movie! ^^;;

It's summer already! Jeez. This changing-my-layout-per-every-season is getting annoying. Maybe I'll change it just for summer and leave it at that? I don't knowww lol.

I'll be putting up some pic dumps too, for the Zoo and Waterfall Gully. x3