Wednesday, October 29, 2008

//Accommodation - Check!/

The Hub announced the venue for the SuperOzCon the other day! There's also a website with more information. It's a little bit out of the city, in the eastern suburbs. So it's lucky we didn't go ahead and get accommodation early, lol.

Mum found a place really close by, and booked a room for us! It's called The Randwick Lodge. It's about a ten minute walk from the Uni, with a mall close by as well. Pretty awesome! It has some nice pictures on it's website.

So accommodation is a check now. And we won't be paying for it until we get to Sydney. Now we just need the plane flights...though I only have $140, definitely *not* enough for flights to and from Sydney!

I (finally) did the online application at Coles and Kmart! Hopefully something comes out of that. c:

Oh man, listening to a song from Final Fantasy VIII (Waltz for the Moon lolz) is making me nostalgic! Might have to go play it, yet again...

It was Terrie's 20th birthday on Tuesday! Danielle, Sarah and I went to Elizabeth and met up with Terrie, and we saw Max Payne. It was alright. I didn't really get it, lol. And then we just walked around the shops a bit, had some food and chatted, and Sarah bought some clothes. It was good to hang out again. Almost like old times. Almost. :P has been down the last couple of days! Meaning I haven't been able to check if The Hub (an employee posts on their forum with updates and whatnot) is any closer to announcing/getting an answer from the third guest! *twitches* Augh. Although, The Hub has been away in New Zealand the last couple of days, for another convention. Dammit, I hope it's Rob, and he says yes! That would be epic. xD

Mum got a card for a driving instructor and she said she's going to book some lessons for me. Eek! Nervousss. I think I've said it before, but when I go driving with Mum, it's just...driving. Like, I'm not following anything that the learner-book-thingy says, that the instructors check and whatnot. Hopefully I haven't picked up any bad habits or anything. >___<;;