Tuesday, June 23, 2009


If you know me well I'm pretty sure you'd know I'm pretty nostalgic. :P

Over the last few nights I've been reading my old blog on my MSN Space - friggen LOL. I have some really annoying typos in there. But I love reading them, really takes me back. :) Especially when I flipped through my old diaries from late '02 - '03, which I've just done! xDDD Wow.

When I look back to when I was in high school - comparing it to today, I always got wistful and wish I could go back to those days. But after reading the blog/diary entries I sort of got a figurative slap in the face from my past self LOL, god I whined about school a lot. Not the hangin' with friends part, just school itself ahah. Especially around the year 11/12 mark. I was constantly going on about how I hated school and I just wanted it to be over with alreaddyyy ahahah.

It gets me down though LOL remembering how much fun I had with friends - having a ball fangirling with Jodie over Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings/Final Fantasy/Project Zero etc., hanging at the local horse stable with Krystal, zillions of sleepovers (w00t), Ouija Board shenanigans, Rundle Mall visits and the massively fun times I had in '05/'06 with Terrie, Sarah, Angelo, Kim and others (late night gaming and park visits FTW xDD). c:

I see barely any friends these days, heh.


Good times, I miss 'em. (:

It's had it's ups and downs, of course. There were a lot of dramas between friends - even some I had with my own friends, fallout's, bickering, etc. Some I'd completely forgotten about until I'd re-read them bahah. I got really emo too, eek. Don't remember what was going on with that. xD

I've even kept old diaries and random notes written/drawn with friends during school because I like to go back and have a laugh while looking at them. Not to mention MSN conversations. x3 I lovelove looking at old photographs with friends, too. ^___^

Maybe I spend a little too much time looking back, hmm? :/

Welp, I'm off to bed, anywho.