Tuesday, June 30, 2009


It must have been around 8am when Mum came into my room Friday morning, woke me up and said with disbelief "they're saying on the news that Michael Jackson is dead!" I was barely awake and just said "Oh my god!" and fell back asleep, LOL. I didn't think it was true, really. Along with the Jeff Goldblum death rumor that day, haha...

I read his Wikipedia page throughout today and I'm sad now, heh. (Lisa Marie's MySpace blog, baw :c) Along with this supposed "leak" of his autopsy report is... really sad. There's a lot of stuff I'd never known about.

Gosh I feel sorry for him - I don't believe that child molestation stuff (a mental health professional's assessment was he'd become a regressed 10-year-old and did not fit the profile of a pedophile - sounds more likely to me, as well of the fact he was acquitted of all charges) and I got really frustrated at how people could take advantage of someone because of their generosity and wealth. And it affected him so much he resorted to medication? :/

I know I wasn't the hugest fan and he was definitely an individual lol, but still. Depressing.

I've been listening to my favourite MJ songs for a couple of nights heheh, ahh nostalgia! His music was a lot of what was played by Mum and Dad when we were young (along with Tina Arena, Shania Twain, Bryan Adams, Garth Brooks and ABBA to name a few) so his songs have a lot sentimental value. I remember playing around with Ness and Kim when we were little to his songs, good times. ^^ And of course watching his movie Moonwalker with them LOL.



Alsooo, seeing Transformers 2 tomorrow! I went with Danielle and Mum to see the first showing last Wednesday and it was AWESOME. Skids, Mudflap and Wheelie FTW. And so many more hehe. Of course it's not Oscar worthy, but I really enjoyed it. :3

Ohoh Terrie's out of hospital now! Yay. She had the operation on the tumor in her head and everything seems to be going well now - she doesn't even need any radiation treatment. Will be seeing her on Saturday with Sarah. :) Got her the first three Vampire Academy books as well, just to give her a little somethin' somethin' lol. Hope she likes 'em.

Hmmm I want to change the banner thingo but I don't know what the hell to do. D: