Tuesday, January 22, 2008

//Twilight series/

Phew. All I've been doing these last few days - pretty much, is reading! xD Mum bought them a few days ago. I started them...Wednesday? And just finished about two days ago. They're a book series (three at the moment, becoming four later this year! Can't wait T^T) called Twilight, by Stephanie Meyer.

It's mainly about a girl and a vampire that fall in love. ;P So yeah, there's a lot of mooshy stuff, but they're really awesome books. n___n It's not all mooshy too, there's scary bits and funny bits and stuff like that too, hehe. It's cool 'coz the book is set in a real town in Washington, USA. I went on Google Earth and had a look around (can't see much though >.>) there, haha. There's a pic that I saw, and I swear, it's exactly like a place I imagined in the book. Awesomenesss. xD

The first book should be out as a movie later this year! (I hope) How exciting haha.

I listened to my iPod a lot when I was reading the books, playing a playlist with Linkin Park, Chris Brown and The Veronicas. Now whenever I hear some of the songs, I get flashes off parts in the book, haha. Does anyone get that? Like, songs that remind you movies or stuff like that? c:

I need to go out again...but I dunno what to doooo. U___U

Sunday, January 13, 2008


I loved the Hairspray movie, I've seen it two times now. xD James Marsden and Zac Efron <3

I went driving again today (same drive to Semaphore) and I felt crap after it loool. There was a part where I needed to merge onto a road from a slip lane thingo and I was like, *OMG* waiting for a break in the traffic and I drove up the gutter LOL. It's kinda funny looking back now...but at the time I was like "Ah! ...S-Sorrrry! ...*cries*" Haha, man it scared me ahah, I had to stop at a petrol station and I was like "I SUCK!!! *cries*" xD . I'd been making mistakes before that... so me being me, who has to do everything right the first time, got really frustrated and upset for not driving awesome-lyyy. =P So yeah, haha.

Oooh it's Sarah's 19th this Saturday! Gotta find something to get her...I think Mum, Danielle and I are gunna go to Caffé Primo (is that how they spell it..? :S) for lunch with her. c:


Saturday, January 12, 2008

//27 Dresses/

Went and saw 27 Dresses at the cinemas today with Jodie and Danielle, awesome movie - and funny. x) Loved it! James Marsden is awsummm lol. <333

Not much been going on around here...had Jodie stay over again on...Wednesday and played a lot of Project Zero 3: The Tormented. I'm kinda getting bored of it xDD! It's not as straight forward (and maybe not as scary?) as PZ 2: Crimson Butterfly, which is my favourite. c:

I dunno want to do about a job...I wanna work at the shops just down the road, so I don't have to catch public transport to get there, I can just walk then, haha. ><;;

I'm going driving again tomorrow, yay. Mum and Dad bought those magnet L plates, I stuck 'em on the fridge lolz. They rented Hairspray today, haven't seen it yet. I'm gunna watch it now! n__n


Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Haven't updated in a few days, huh? =P

I've actually gone out these last few days, which is awesome. xDDD Last Wednesday Danielle, Jodie and I went to Rundle Mall to go see Shin Tokyo's new shop and buy some stuff's! n___n The sale that was on was for members only it turned out, but I bought a membership there anyways and got the sale price. x) Danielle and I bought a Chobits and Final Fantasy X-2 soundtrack, Chris Brown's album and some Jay Jay's jewelery.

We invited Jodie back to our place (ended up staying over ahah) and we listened to our new CD's, flicked through old backup CD's, played Mario Party 8 on the Wii (Jodie won D:< style="font-style: italic;">I
didn't xD) played Project Zero 3. Danielle and I bought it...maybe a year ago? But we've been too scared to play past the first few minutes LOL, pretty sad. But I watched them play that for a while until Jodie was picked up by her Mum and Dad. A good couple of days. c:

On Friday we went to Designer Direct and got a new bed set, thing! Lolyay. It's called "Osaka", and it's a cool burgundy colour. I saw a really cool cream one with bamboo or something on it, and some Japanese/Chinese writing, but cream isn't a good idea to have on my bed, ahah. Not with our dogs constantly walking/licking/sleeping on it, lolz. Oh well.

On Saturday Mum, Dad, Danielle, Jodie and I went and saw I Am Legend. I didn't like iittt! >.<>I didn't yay. xD I have a list on our white board of what movies I wanna see, lol! The Golden Compass, The Water Horse, 27 Dresses and Jumper. x)

Ohhh oh! I went driving to Semaphore on Monday! Got 2 hours extra in my booklet now, only 12 hours left! n____n Gotta say though, it was one of the most comfortable times I've been driving, and one of the most stressful. xDDD Bahah. Because of this road that had apparently been totally changed, and I ended up in a turn only lane...and I had to find a place to do a U-turn...gah! But I made it home safely loolll. xD I can't wait to have my P's so I can go out whenever I want and not have anyone to depend on to drive me anywhere. c: Paying for petrol would be a problem though, since I don't have a job! xD

Man...is this blog too long? Lol.

Oh yeah, I finally made a ref for my character, Kailani! Pain in the butt to do, and it's lazily done, ahah. You can see it here! Don't mind the mistakes. xD

Take care!


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

//Happy New Year!/

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! n___n Hope '08's great to you!

Didn't end up going to Tamika's party. Sarah rang around 6-ish asking me if I knew who was coming, (didn't have the faintest) and we chatted for a while and she said she'd be coming soon. As soon as she hung up I noticed I had an SMS from Tamika saying the party was canceled because they're weren't enough people coming. How poo!

But after all that, Sarah came over and we just gossiped, listened to music and looked around a few websites until Greg picked her up around 10:30pm. xD We took pics though! It was a good night.

Here's to '08! c: