Saturday, August 30, 2008

//Oo-ooo, oo-ooo.../

Let me be with *listening to Chobits theme* :3

Just been on aaand:

Delivery estimate: September 12, 2008 - September 24, 2008
Shipping estimate for these items: September 2, 2008

1 "Supernatural - The Complete Third Season"
Jared Padalecki; DVD; $38.99

Yay! Although why, for the love of all that's holy, is Jensen's name not there too?! ...Heheh. *ahem* Anyways, I was searching for the third season's Australian release, and some places said Oct 1st, and some, Oct 8th. And even worse, the price was $75! (there's also the worry the it wouldn't have any special features) Cripes.

So I don't want to wait an extra month and pay all the money extra as well. So I ordered it from Amazon! It's about $56 US all up with postage and handling, which was about $66 Australian. Yay, money save-age! Lol. And it should arrive around the time of my birthday (gahhh), woot.

And...the Supernatural season 1 & 2 companions (and some other SPN book) should be arriving soon, dammit. It was ordered at nearly the end of July, so hopefully it'll be here soon. :/

Thursday, August 28, 2008

//Seven things I hate about yoouuu!/

I can't get this song out of my head! ><;;

Omigosh booored.

Well, I need to do some housework, so I guess I' that. Hmph.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

//blah, blah, blah.../


I'm bored, :3

Mum had a go on Halo 3 with Danielle on the weekend. Haha...lots of "Stop it, Danielle! Ohhh! Look up, no...up! *frustrated noise* Ohh! I suck at thiisss!" Aww, hehe. She said it's too complicated and she's used to the good 'ol joystick, LOL. And, dude, I've had years of playing (and being pwnd) this dang I downloaded some songs from the game (love me some soundtracks!), there's this one on the menu called...Unforgotten, I think. I love it, makes me feel sad though. :c Haha.

Mum, Danielle and I went to Sarah's for a little while, too. I brought my controller so we could play some Halo with her. I won one game! D: *victorious pose* Not sure if that's happened before...haha. Danielle and I have been playing together a few times, so that's obviously helped. But I sucked in all the other games. xD Naturally, we took some photos of the Luckmeister! (I made that that actually a word? I'm getting no red zigzag underline!) He's getting bigger now. And he's very hyper lol...and jumpy! *dusts dirt off clothes* Adorable though. Pics!

Awww. Hasn't he grown!

Hm. I think that's about it. Just been floating around the Supernatural and Twilight IMDb boards and stuff.

23 days (Sept. 18) until the season 4 premiere of Supernatural (& Smallville)...*sobs* god I hate being in Australia sometimes. LOL. And us poor Aussies will have to wait until probably next year to watch it, since I highly doubt they'll "fast track" it. *sigh*

I watched this cool fan-made promo on YouTube the other day. I really like the song, it's called "Already Over" by Red...haven't heard of them before. I downloaded it, and I have it on repeat right now! Haha. Behold!

WHY DEAN, WHY!? *sobs* Gah Ilovethisshowsofreakingmuch. <333

Heheh. Oh, yew guise!

Monday, August 18, 2008


Quoted from TwilightAUSTRALIA:

"Thanks to the wonderful Tiffany we now have official confirmation that Twilight will be in Australian cinema's December 11th!"


Ahh yesss. I'm happy, lol. Twilight seems to have taken HPB's old Aust. release date. At least now it's only three weeks to wait, though it'll feel like forever when I'm hearing fans from the US going "ZOMG IT'S OUT TOMORROW". -_- So much better than having to wait two dang months!

My local Blockbuster has a casual spot open...and Danielle and I (well Mum did it, "The sooner the better!!! *nods furiously*") handed in our resume's. It looks pretty silly with no work we put our SACE thingo and School reference in it...along with my term 1 - 3 school report. I'm worried it's too much paperwork, but said it's fine. *shrugs* I hope they have more than one position open, though that's unlikely...right? Hm.

*has Rihanna's Disturbia on repeat* 83

Saturday, August 16, 2008

//Movie Dates./

Well! WB decided to move Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince from November 21 08, to July 09. I got this from MuggleNet:

"Warner currently is riding high with "The Dark Knight," the Batman film that also stars Bale. The grim super-hero movie has taken in $452 million in the U.S. since its July 18 release, making it the second-highest grossing film ever.

To some degree, that success motivated Warner to shift "Half-Blood Prince," Horn said. The film will now hit theaters the same midsummer weekend that "Dark Knight" was released this year. Horn said the young, core Potter audience would be out of school and give the film a longer theatrical life. It will now open opposite Universal's special-effects comedy "Land of the Lost," which stars Will Ferrell. But Horn said there was nothing next year compared to this summer's especially dense slate of big-budget releases."


Well it sucks that we have to wait pretty much a year to see the movie that's ready for November! Gosh. I read somewhere that we should be happy it'll be released next year because the wait between HPB and DH would be smaller...ahahah. -___-;; But oh well, I've lost interest since the last HP movie, which was my least favourite. :c

On a much brighter note though, Summit's decided to movie it's release of Twilight from December 12th to HBP's previous date, Nov 21st! Niiiice. Mind you, that's the North American release date. I'm really hoping the Australian release date will movie from January to somewhere much closer. :/

I'm sick of my layout already! xD Wish I was more creative lol. U___U

Having fun watching the Olympics! Though I want to see the opening ceremony again, since I only got to see probably the last quarter. So You Think You Can Dance was on Channel 10 at the same time. :P Oh welll. And I can't get The Star Spangled Banner out of my head! It's all Phelp's fault! Haha. Whenever I turn Channel Seven on, it always seems to be swimming that's on. *shrugs* I don't mind though.

*searches for something to eat*

Monday, August 11, 2008


Another month since I made a blog...well not much has happened, really. Danielle seemed to have got it all on her blog, though. :P Including new pics with Lucky! Look how much he's grown, nawwh.

What else...oh! Mum & Dad got us an XBox 360 early for our birthday. .____. I feel bad because Danielle and I were just going to buy it with our own money, but they said they'd get it for our birthday. The deal that was going on at the local game store seemed good, except it ended mid August, so they said they'd get it for an early present, lol...

It came with Halo 3, Assassin's Creed and Gears of War. Halo 3 was the main reason Danielle and I wanted to get it, haha. We were having so much fun playing it at Sarah's, we wanted to get it! It's so funnn. I'm horrible at it, but oh wellll.

Danielle's been playing Assassin's Creed, too. It's a pretty good game. I mean as in, the graphics and how it actually plays. I'm still now following the storyline...since I don't know much about what happened in the 12th century, lol. Haven't played Gears of War yet.

Also, Breaking Dawn. Ahhh I was so excited. Except we didn't pre-order it...and when we went to our local A&R, they didn't even have the delivery yet! So we panicked and went to/called up some other stores, they didn't have it either. We pre-odered it there though, and they called around 3-ish when they had it, and we'd got our own copy by about 3:30pm.

I finished it on...Wednesday or Thursday...can't remember LOL. I still don't really know what to think. Something seemed off to me. Wether it was the characters, or the way it was written...I don't know. Guess I just need to read it again.

I changed the layout, too! I got the html from Danielle though, thank you LOL! I just changed the colours and a few things. I'm not sure about the header. It's just a pic I took from a zoo trip ages ago and played around with it...kind of...wintery? -__-'

And yes...that's it I think. *sighs* It's sad I know, haha.