Tuesday, August 26, 2008

//blah, blah, blah.../


I'm bored, so...blog-age. :3

Mum had a go on Halo 3 with Danielle on the weekend. Haha...lots of "Stop it, Danielle! Ohhh! Look up, no...up! *frustrated noise* Ohh! I suck at thiisss!" Aww, hehe. She said it's too complicated and she's used to the good 'ol joystick, LOL. And, dude, I've had years of playing (and being pwnd) this dang game...lol. I downloaded some songs from the game (love me some soundtracks!), there's this one on the menu called...Unforgotten, I think. I love it, makes me feel sad though. :c Haha.

Mum, Danielle and I went to Sarah's for a little while, too. I brought my controller so we could play some Halo with her. I won one game! D: *victorious pose* Not sure if that's happened before...haha. Danielle and I have been playing together a few times, so that's obviously helped. But I sucked in all the other games. xD Naturally, we took some photos of the Luckmeister! (I made that up...is that actually a word? I'm getting no red zigzag underline!) He's getting bigger now. And he's very hyper lol...and jumpy! *dusts dirt off clothes* Adorable though. Pics!

Awww. Hasn't he grown!

Hm. I think that's about it. Just been floating around the Supernatural and Twilight IMDb boards and stuff.

23 days (Sept. 18) until the season 4 premiere of Supernatural (& Smallville)...*sobs* god I hate being in Australia sometimes. LOL. And us poor Aussies will have to wait until probably next year to watch it, since I highly doubt they'll "fast track" it. *sigh*

I watched this cool fan-made promo on YouTube the other day. I really like the song, it's called "Already Over" by Red...haven't heard of them before. I downloaded it, and I have it on repeat right now! Haha. Behold!

WHY DEAN, WHY!? *sobs* ...lol. Gah Ilovethisshowsofreakingmuch. <333

Heheh. Oh, yew guise!