Monday, September 29, 2008


Are you watching Supernatural? Lol. Ah, I love 'em, they rock. <3

I completely forgot about this song (it's Swedish btw), it's so damn catchy! *bobs along to music*

Oooh oh! One week today until Supernatural! And I started watching 90210 for a little while because I read on the IMDb that someone had seen a Supernatural ad. I saw it! Just old season 3 footage though.

Might see if I can get Danielle to play Halo with me, I'm board dammit.

Bai bai! ;P

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Okay, I'm gunna do this survey thing too. :P

Name: Jessica.
Nick Name: ...Jess? That's really it. Umm...Jizzy? Lol.
Birthdate: 23/9/88
Birthplace: Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.
Current Location: Craigmore.
Eye Color: Hazel.
Hair Color: Brown.
Height: 5"4'.
Weight: Gotta be almost 60kg. T___T *gaining weight = suckage*
Piercings: Two in both ears.
Tatoos: *cringes from needle* Erm, nothx.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Nup.
Vehicle: I think it's an '05 Hyundai Accent. It's Yellow! Aww I love it. It's kind a neglected though. :'c
Overused Phrase: Can't really think of any, lol! "Lol"? As well as random Supernatural/tv show/movie quotes I guess, heheh.

Food: Chicken! I love chicken. :3 Hahaha. And pasta. c:
Pub/Disc/Restaurant: KFC...? LOL. <--- me too, hahaha.
Candy: Too many haha. Red Skins, Fan Tales, Minties, Skittles, Chuppa Chups, those blue Sour Strap things... <--- ditto! Oh and chocolate, can't forget that. :D
Number: 7!
Color: Rainbow? :3 Haha. I love pastel-y colours.
Animals: Love 'em alll! Or lots of them. I don't like spiders...>.>
Drink: Coke... Coke... Orange juice... and COKE! <--- xD *nods*
Body Part on Opposite sex: Eyes. And smile. c:
Perfume: I don't wear perfume much, though I really like armani night for women, that's nice.
TV Show: Supernatural, yayuh! And NCIS, Heroes, Medium, So You Think You Can Dance, Top Model...
Music Album: Dont really have one. I listen to a lot of different types of music. :P
Movie: WAY too many. Disney movies, of course...and to name a few, Transformers, Iron Man, Harry Potter and Pirates of the Caribbean movies...etc etc
Actor/Actress: Oh mannn. I'll just make it easy for myself and say PADACKLES (aka Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki)! *takes Danielle's answer -- again* Right on, sista! x3 (Though not in that "wincest" way, of course. O__o)

Pepsi or Coke: Coke, ya!
McDonalds or BurgerKing: Mac-y D's!
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate.
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Hot chocolate. Coffee me no likey.
Kiss or Hug: Hug. :3
Dog or Cat: I like both, but probably dogs more. *hugs doggies*
Rap or Punk: Punk. Not into rap really.
Summer or Winter: Last year I'd probably say summer, but this winter was really nice - I don't want summer to come anymore! Go away! Lol.
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Funny movies! I like scary movies -- if they're good.
Love or Money: Screw love, I want MONEY DAMMIT! ...Lol. *rolles eyes*

Bedtime: Wheeenever! I try to go to bed around 1am but it rarely happens, haha.
Most Missed Memory: Having awesome fun with friends. I miss the school days, minus the school part.
Best physical feature: Haha...ha...what?
First Thought Waking Up: Ehh wot? *goes back to sleep*
Ambition: Finding an ambition? I have no idea, to be happy, I'd say.
Best Friends: Er, Danielle? :P
Weakness: Shynesss, and low self esteem. :/
Fears: I don't knowww. Failure? Rejection? PUBLIC HUMILIATION? The normal stuff *shrugs* lol. Not to mention needles and heights :P. <--- Yup yup.
Longest relationship: Nevarrr.

Cheated Your Partner: No relationship to go by, but I hope I never would. :/
Ever been beaten up: Nah.
Ever beaten someone up: Heck no. I'm a wuss, remember lol.
Ever Shoplifted: D: No wayz.
Ever Skinny Dipped: HAH no.
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: Newp.
Been Dumped Lately: *shakes head*

Favorite Eye Color: Don't have one.
Favorite Hair Color: I don't have ooone.
Short or Long: Uh short?
Height: Taller?
Style: I really don't like dreadlocks *cringe*. But other than that...dunno. Not like really, really long I guess, haha.
Looks or Personality: I guess both? But personality is the important park. I wouldn't date a gorgeous guy if I knew he was a complete jerk. Just no. :P
Hot or Cute: ? Cute?
Muscular or Really Skinny: In the middle is good, lol. Those body builder guys are scary. :|

What country do you want to Visit: Lots! The US, Canada, Japan, China, the UK...
How do you want to Die: Uh, quick an painless, I guess.
Been to the Mall Lately: Went on Wednesday, lol.
Get along with your Parents: Yup yup.
Health Freak: Nope, but I wish I cared more sometimes, haha. God damn I'm so lazy.
Do you think your Attractive: Nope.
Believe in Yourself: Ehh.
Want to go to College: For what? I have no idea. Plus I'd have to go to school again since I didn't do the subjects for a TER score...*sigh*
Do you Smoke: Ew no.
Do you Drink: Nope.
Shower Daily: Probably every second day. Unless I'm going out.
Been in Love: *sigh* No. Haha. :P
Do you Sing: Not well!
Want to get Married: One day, one day.
Do you want Children: *points above*
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: Strange question. *points up - again*
Hate anyone: Nah, I don't hate.

//Lazy Days/

Yeahhh lazy days. I need to get back out there and try to get a job, dammit!

Or maybe I should just continue working on my P's. I haven't gone driving with Mum in over...two months I think! *fail* I'll try to go again on Monday. It's just that I'm such a nervous wreck when I drive because I'm not even close to feeling 100% confident in what I'm doing. :/ Lol. I'll have to flick through that handbook again to make me feel better. xD

Oh, I watch The Land Before Time. I cried like a little wussie. LOL! I hadn't seen the movie in years and years, but once that damn music started I was a goner! xD How embarrassing for me if I hadn't watched it alone, huh? Haha. ^^;; I'm trying to download the soundtrack but I'm having no luck. :c

Second Supernatural episode down! I enjoyed it. And it has the shows longest episode title ever! 'Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester' wow. I don't mind though. It's from the title of a (I think) young adults book called 'Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret' haven't heard of it, though. Next episode looks really good too, can't wait!

Aaand it's just over a week until I can watch it on TV! Yayz.

Season 3 of Heroes has started in the US. I think it'll be fasttracked to channel seven soon. We have season 1, which Danielle and I just started watching again. I don't even remember what happened at the end of season 2! I don't even know when it's coming out here...hmm.

Damn it was hot yesterday! I don't want it to be hoottt. I like it when it's cold! ...ish. The airconditioner sucks when it's hot, I hate it. :c

So Terrie asked Sarah about us meeting up for a little bit to catch up, and suggested Louisiana Tavern. I guess we could go...just...last time I went, I didn't like to food. Lol. She hasn't messaged us or anything, so we'll see.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I was just on the Channel Ten Supernatural forums and found this little gem:

"You heard it here first people.

Supernatural is returning to Ten on October 6 at 8:30pm with a 2 hour premiere.

For those wondering "what about 90210"? It's being moved to Friday at 8:30pm in the same week.

So there you go, good news.


SWEET. So we get the first two episodes, which leaves us only one week behind the US. And the week after the 2 hour premiere, it's on at 9:30pm That's pretty awesome! Much better than 10:30pm.

So excited. Except I don't know any other fans except Danielle, Sarah (just emailed her xD) and Mum (I'll tell her when I see her tomorrow!) now I'm telling my blog! LOL.

Thank god for that, now I don't have to download the crappy quality YouTube episodes. Although I'll probably still download this weeks episode because I can't wait nearly two weeks to see it on TV! Well, eleven days. xP

Mum found a DVD with the first three The Land Before Time movies on it today, so I'm off to watch the first one before bed! Ciao!


Woaaah, the big 2-0 today. *clings to teens* Don't leave meee! Not that I really mind getting older, it's that it's been *two* damn years since graduating high school and nothing's changed. At all. Two job interviews and no job. Wow. *sigh* =/ Enough with the emo-ness, but today was a pretty good day. It was pretty much the same as usual, except for some b'day SMS's/messages and some b'day cars from Mum & Dad and Paula, Ness & Kim. Nan & Pop's arrived with the mail later. And Mum got us a teddy lol, he's so cute! Look at him is his little hooddyyy:

We weren't *supposed* to be getting anything, since Mum & Dad bought our XBox 360 in August. But Mum said we *had* to have something on our And of course the usual money with Paula and Nan & Pop's card. :P Nan called later as well, to say happy birthday. We were supposed to have a chocolate sponge cake, but Mum said the shop must have forgot our order, or sold it to someone else. ><;; So we got plain sponge cake instead. Still yummy! Cakey:

Mmm, strawberries! =9

Sarah came around after dinner and had some cake with us, and we just sat around in the lounge and watched TV. She got us the Transformers game as well. :3
And yup, that's it. Terrie asked about hanging out sometime, which would be cool.

Oh yeah, dyed haiirrr:


Grocery shopping tomorrow. WOO HOO. [/sarcasm]


Sunday, September 21, 2008


This will probably end up being an epic-ly long blog, lol.

So Danielle and I went to our job interview at Blockbuster. We spoke to Kerri (who I think is the manager) who's really bubbly and cool, and she gave us (separately of course) some sheets of paper with some questions. Some were about money ("if *so and so* had *so many dollars* and bought *so many things* how much change would there be?") which I totally blanked out for since I was so nervous (calculator, plzkthx!) and took me ages to do, LOL.

Then we went and sat in the office with Kerri and answered some questions. Turns out there were two jobs available now, and one would have more hours than the other. (oh and she's a fan of Supernatural! *awesomeness*)

I know I did better than the maccas interview, at least. It helped that I sort of knew the people there, since I've seen them at Blockbuster a lot, lol. And they're so happy and nice there, whereas the person who interviewed me at McDonald's wasn't really and it made me even more nervous lol. I can't help iitt!

We were told we'd be meeting with two other ladies working there if we got a call back for another interview as well.

Which we did! That was cool. So on Monday we went back and met with the two other ladies (Can't remember their names for god sakes -__-;;) and they told me not to worry about being nervous since they're nice and don't really know what they're doing LOL. So I think I did okay there...I think. I was asked if I'd mind doing stuff like cleaning and restocking (why would I?) and stuff like that. They said we'd get a call later in the week to know what was going on.

I think it was...Thursday? We both got a call saying we didn't get the job. :c *sigh* I so wanted the job. It's so close to home (about a 15 min walk) and the people are so damn nice! I emo'd out for a bit after that, lol.

I'm guessing it didn't help that I'm not exactly EXPLODING WITH ENERGY, CONFIDENCE AND ENTHUSIASM!!1! and that I hadn't had a job before. How the bloody hell and I supposed to get a job then, huh?! U___U Boo hoo.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I lent our Supernatural season 1 box set to Sarah this week, yayz! She came over on Saturday and we played some more Halo (I won a few games, wow! Since when do I beat Sarah at Halo? o.0) and I lent her season 2 since she'd finished the first. Woot.

Oh, did I mention our season 3 box set was delivered? That had to be the quickest ever! It only took a little over a week (got it last week). =D I've watched it all now. Sooo either I'll lend season 3 to Sarah, or we'll have some kind of marathon. xD YAY.

The delivery before this one still hasn't been delivered yet! What the hell. Mum emailed Amazon and they refunded our postage and handling and asked us to wait until October 1st, when something-or-other expires. It's just books for goodness sakesss. :/

Ohohoh aaand Season 4 started on Thursday! Danielle found a YouTube version since we would never be able to download the HDTV versions with our measly 4GB bandwidth. :'c Still nearly 100MB though *winces*. I was EPIC though. Hoooly crap I love it (but what about Kristy!Ruby, hmm? :/ *reserves judgment...for now*). And it got its best ratings since season 1, or something! Yayyy.

When Sarah came over on Saturday she watched it with us, and I think she enjoyed it! Mum refuses to watch it because of how small the video is, which sucks because I want to talk to her about iiitt. *pout* I'll keep trying though. ;P

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Changed the layout! Now it's all Spring...y. :3 Took me ages to make that banner because I had no idea what the hell I was doing, LOL. But I think it turned out alright.

Added some stamp thingies from DeviantART too, and removed the other pictures. I think it looks better like that. c: Supernatural plug-age remains, though! ;D

Turning 20 in two days! WTF. I'm still 17-going-18 to me. And I've done nothing particularly earth shattering since then eight. *sigh* Am I still the same? I think so, anyway.

Yeah...that's it, I think. Oh, Mum dyed my hair today. :P It's something like Country Colours I's called "Highlands Chestnut" lol. Practically just a reddish brown.

Oh yeah, gotta finish things off with some doggy pics! Everybody was hanging out in the backyard enjoying the awesome weather (and Mum bought some tomato plant thingies), and of course got the camera out and I snapped some shots of Missy and Brandy! c: <3

...told you it'd be a long post! xD Not that anybody reads thiiis haha.


Friday, September 5, 2008


Heeey it's Spring now! Which means *gulp* turning 20! Just over two weeks away now. .___. Need to make a spring-ish layout...hmm.

Played around with the sidebar thingo...added a couple of SPN pics along with some videos, yay! <3

Danielle and I went to the shops with Mum and we bought the new PC game, Spore! Played it all last night, haha. It's pretty awesome. Except I have little to no creative skills so my alien dudes look pretty dodgy! xD

We went to Blockbuster on the way home, and Kerri (one of the ladies who works there and we see a lot) told us that she'd seen our resume's and we were two of the people she's meeting for a job interview and she wanted to know when we're available for one. So we have an interview at Blockbuster next Tuesday! *dies* Separate of course, lol.

Let's hope I don't do as bad as I did at Maccas. I'm so nervous around people I don't know, I just gave one word answers LOL. At least I've met Kerri before, she's seems like a really nice and friendly lady. c: And I'd love to be able to work there since it's only about a 10/15 minute walk away.

Off to play Spore noowww.