Sunday, September 21, 2008


This will probably end up being an epic-ly long blog, lol.

So Danielle and I went to our job interview at Blockbuster. We spoke to Kerri (who I think is the manager) who's really bubbly and cool, and she gave us (separately of course) some sheets of paper with some questions. Some were about money ("if *so and so* had *so many dollars* and bought *so many things* how much change would there be?") which I totally blanked out for since I was so nervous (calculator, plzkthx!) and took me ages to do, LOL.

Then we went and sat in the office with Kerri and answered some questions. Turns out there were two jobs available now, and one would have more hours than the other. (oh and she's a fan of Supernatural! *awesomeness*)

I know I did better than the maccas interview, at least. It helped that I sort of knew the people there, since I've seen them at Blockbuster a lot, lol. And they're so happy and nice there, whereas the person who interviewed me at McDonald's wasn't really and it made me even more nervous lol. I can't help iitt!

We were told we'd be meeting with two other ladies working there if we got a call back for another interview as well.

Which we did! That was cool. So on Monday we went back and met with the two other ladies (Can't remember their names for god sakes -__-;;) and they told me not to worry about being nervous since they're nice and don't really know what they're doing LOL. So I think I did okay there...I think. I was asked if I'd mind doing stuff like cleaning and restocking (why would I?) and stuff like that. They said we'd get a call later in the week to know what was going on.

I think it was...Thursday? We both got a call saying we didn't get the job. :c *sigh* I so wanted the job. It's so close to home (about a 15 min walk) and the people are so damn nice! I emo'd out for a bit after that, lol.

I'm guessing it didn't help that I'm not exactly EXPLODING WITH ENERGY, CONFIDENCE AND ENTHUSIASM!!1! and that I hadn't had a job before. How the bloody hell and I supposed to get a job then, huh?! U___U Boo hoo.

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I lent our Supernatural season 1 box set to Sarah this week, yayz! She came over on Saturday and we played some more Halo (I won a few games, wow! Since when do I beat Sarah at Halo? o.0) and I lent her season 2 since she'd finished the first. Woot.

Oh, did I mention our season 3 box set was delivered? That had to be the quickest ever! It only took a little over a week (got it last week). =D I've watched it all now. Sooo either I'll lend season 3 to Sarah, or we'll have some kind of marathon. xD YAY.

The delivery before this one still hasn't been delivered yet! What the hell. Mum emailed Amazon and they refunded our postage and handling and asked us to wait until October 1st, when something-or-other expires. It's just books for goodness sakesss. :/

Ohohoh aaand Season 4 started on Thursday! Danielle found a YouTube version since we would never be able to download the HDTV versions with our measly 4GB bandwidth. :'c Still nearly 100MB though *winces*. I was EPIC though. Hoooly crap I love it (but what about Kristy!Ruby, hmm? :/ *reserves judgment...for now*). And it got its best ratings since season 1, or something! Yayyy.

When Sarah came over on Saturday she watched it with us, and I think she enjoyed it! Mum refuses to watch it because of how small the video is, which sucks because I want to talk to her about iiitt. *pout* I'll keep trying though. ;P

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Changed the layout! Now it's all Spring...y. :3 Took me ages to make that banner because I had no idea what the hell I was doing, LOL. But I think it turned out alright.

Added some stamp thingies from DeviantART too, and removed the other pictures. I think it looks better like that. c: Supernatural plug-age remains, though! ;D

Turning 20 in two days! WTF. I'm still 17-going-18 to me. And I've done nothing particularly earth shattering since then eight. *sigh* Am I still the same? I think so, anyway.

Yeah...that's it, I think. Oh, Mum dyed my hair today. :P It's something like Country Colours I's called "Highlands Chestnut" lol. Practically just a reddish brown.

Oh yeah, gotta finish things off with some doggy pics! Everybody was hanging out in the backyard enjoying the awesome weather (and Mum bought some tomato plant thingies), and of course got the camera out and I snapped some shots of Missy and Brandy! c: <3

...told you it'd be a long post! xD Not that anybody reads thiiis haha.
