Friday, September 5, 2008


Heeey it's Spring now! Which means *gulp* turning 20! Just over two weeks away now. .___. Need to make a spring-ish layout...hmm.

Played around with the sidebar thingo...added a couple of SPN pics along with some videos, yay! <3

Danielle and I went to the shops with Mum and we bought the new PC game, Spore! Played it all last night, haha. It's pretty awesome. Except I have little to no creative skills so my alien dudes look pretty dodgy! xD

We went to Blockbuster on the way home, and Kerri (one of the ladies who works there and we see a lot) told us that she'd seen our resume's and we were two of the people she's meeting for a job interview and she wanted to know when we're available for one. So we have an interview at Blockbuster next Tuesday! *dies* Separate of course, lol.

Let's hope I don't do as bad as I did at Maccas. I'm so nervous around people I don't know, I just gave one word answers LOL. At least I've met Kerri before, she's seems like a really nice and friendly lady. c: And I'd love to be able to work there since it's only about a 10/15 minute walk away.

Off to play Spore noowww.