Wednesday, October 29, 2008

//Accommodation - Check!/

The Hub announced the venue for the SuperOzCon the other day! There's also a website with more information. It's a little bit out of the city, in the eastern suburbs. So it's lucky we didn't go ahead and get accommodation early, lol.

Mum found a place really close by, and booked a room for us! It's called The Randwick Lodge. It's about a ten minute walk from the Uni, with a mall close by as well. Pretty awesome! It has some nice pictures on it's website.

So accommodation is a check now. And we won't be paying for it until we get to Sydney. Now we just need the plane flights...though I only have $140, definitely *not* enough for flights to and from Sydney!

I (finally) did the online application at Coles and Kmart! Hopefully something comes out of that. c:

Oh man, listening to a song from Final Fantasy VIII (Waltz for the Moon lolz) is making me nostalgic! Might have to go play it, yet again...

It was Terrie's 20th birthday on Tuesday! Danielle, Sarah and I went to Elizabeth and met up with Terrie, and we saw Max Payne. It was alright. I didn't really get it, lol. And then we just walked around the shops a bit, had some food and chatted, and Sarah bought some clothes. It was good to hang out again. Almost like old times. Almost. :P has been down the last couple of days! Meaning I haven't been able to check if The Hub (an employee posts on their forum with updates and whatnot) is any closer to announcing/getting an answer from the third guest! *twitches* Augh. Although, The Hub has been away in New Zealand the last couple of days, for another convention. Dammit, I hope it's Rob, and he says yes! That would be epic. xD

Mum got a card for a driving instructor and she said she's going to book some lessons for me. Eek! Nervousss. I think I've said it before, but when I go driving with Mum, it's just...driving. Like, I'm not following anything that the learner-book-thingy says, that the instructors check and whatnot. Hopefully I haven't picked up any bad habits or anything. >___<;;

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

//Check! Phew./

Okay, got the receipt for the Supernatural con! Three day tickets, one photo with Jared, one photo with Jensen and an autograph with each, check. Next things to do are:

*Wait for The Hub to announce the venue of the con so we can:
*Find and book accommodation close by
*Book flights

And then we're set, I think. I'm just worried about exactly we're supposed to *pay* for it. I mean...I can't afford plane tickets right now because I only have $140, and I know return flights to Sydney are over $200. Plus the accommodation could be about $200 a night as well. $___$!! Yeesh.

Also found out that the photos with the boys are now sold out! We have ours though, of course. Holy crap, the tickets haven't even been on sale for a week! I'm really relieved that we went ahead and got the tickets instead of "just getting the Twilight one over with first" like Mum suggested. Phew, lol!

I'm so nervous about traveling, I haven't been this far away from home without my parents, LOL! Airports just seem so damn confusing...even though I've been through them more times then I can count on two hands. -____-;;

I still haven't gotten around the submitting that resume to Coles lolll, procrastinating - that's (one of) my middle name! x3

Went out for some parking practice with Mum yesterday, too. Haha, my parking = fail! Gah. It's only the second time I've tried, so I'm of course not going to be great. ;P

Fable II out tomorrow! Danielle's just been telling me about some drama's about stores releasing the games early. We've been keeping ourselves occupied by watching season 1 of The O.C. lol. <3

Monday, October 20, 2008


I love free stuff lol, so when Mum home from a lunch with Lucy (a friend she met from work) yesterday with a bag of makeup that had apparently fallen off a truck, I was pretty happy! LOL. There was a lot of stuff! Lucy kept some for herself, and then gave us some to share amongst ourselves and give some to Sarah as well.

We got some nice Cover Girl foundation that seems to fit my skin colour, (it's pale and pink-ish, so I have trouble finding the right one with out going through one million different types!) that's pretty awesome! It's in both the powder and liquid one, so that's cooolll. And some mascara, eye liner and Mum has some creams and stuff. :P

Ohh OMG, Danielle and I were on Mum & Dad's computer (I used to share it with them when we didn't have the laptop) and we were looking through our old files. Apart from some really old saved MSN convo's, we found these reaallly old pictures from '05 where we were being silly, LOL. Take a look! (click for bigger version)

Lolz. I can't keep a straight face! And the one where I cracked up, hahaha...*sigh* My gosh, we have to make an up dated one! xD

Still waiting on my receipt for the 'SuperOzCon'...(I prefer calling that then 'All Hell Breaks Loose' lol) but it's only been one day haha. And I read somewhere that The Hub was supposed to announce the location of the con...but nothing yet.

And *still* no mention of this mystery third guest coming to the Twilight Con! *bites nails anxiously* Hopefully we'll find out soon.

Yesss, Supernatural's on tonight again! :D

Friday, October 17, 2008


Just sent off the order form for three tickets to the Australia Supernatural Convention! YAYOMG.

So, after I read about the convention, I ran around in a tizzy because the con was only in Sydney (woaahhh rhyme-age). *Then* I sent a spazztastic email to Sarah telling her about the convention. I didn't expect to hear much about it from her (although she's a new Supernatural fan) because of how much it would cost...but then next thing I know, I get an email from her saying she'd go with us!

And after sending a reply, and an SMS to ask if she was 100% *sure* she wanted to go (didn't want to get my hopes up lol), she said she's 110% sure. x) And she rang to iron out some of the other details.

Seems like we'll be flying there on the Friday night (god I wouldn't be able to make a Saturday morning one), going to the con on the Saturday, and either flying back Saturday night, or Sunday morning. It'll probably be Saturday night because I wouldn't want to pay another night of accommodation LOL! *scrooge*

Sarah is coming over tomorrow to talk about it some more. :D The Hub will also be announcing what the venue will be, so then we could find some cheap-ish accommodation not too far away.

It'll be expensive...around $200-and-something for the flights, around $200 a night for accommodation...not to mention stuff like taxis, food, etc. Thank goodness it's next year, so I can save up! And hopefully have a job by then, that'd make it a lot easier to pay for.

After transferring the money from mine and Danielle's bank account (for the Supernatural con -photos and autographs included- and Twilight tickets) to Mum's, we have $150 (each) left over. LOL. T____T

Now I'm just waiting to get the receipt, which will probably come early next week...hopefully there will be tickets left, because the site announced that they'd run out of the Platinum tickets! They were $1400! Gosh! But other than that...


*end spazzing*

Daniel came over today! Hadn't seen him in...forever, lol. We played a couple games of Halo (I won all except one, which Daniel did xD), Mario Kart (far out I stink at that game), Super Smash Brothers Brawl (that game too -__-) and he gave us some Pokémanz, yay. I think they're copied He gave us a Mew, Celebi and Deoxy's. Woot!

Oh yeah, Krystal stopped by just as Daniel was leaving. Haven't seen her in a looong time. She's moved to Mount Barker, I think. We finally have her number now, lol. So that makes it easier to keep in contact with her.

And...yeah that's it. ;P

Fable II on Wednesday! :3

Thursday, October 16, 2008

//Oh. My. God./

(I had to make it small but lol you get the idea)




Jared and Jensen coming to Australia! But...they're only coming to Sydney. Wtf. So I don't think we'll be going...*sniff* But I want to go *so* badly! Auughh not fair.

You know, I'd refund my Twilight con tickets in a heartbeat if it meant going to the Supernatural one! Gah!

I heard Mum mumble that if I got a job she'd take us. LOL. *heads off to get job* Well, still, I'd have to get my P's first. I'll have to talk about it with Mum & Dad later. I thought it'd be expensive to go to Melbourne, but...Sydney? Yikes! $150 ($70 for twilight con) for a day ticket! Holy crap! Not to mention stuff like photos and autographs are up $10 each.

Speaking of Melbourne, we've got the whole hotel/motel thingy sorted out. It's this place called Darling Towers or something like that...yeah. 'self serving apartments' too. We discovered that while looking at other motels, they were all booked around the time we wanted to go! So we were panicking. But Mum rang up this place she found on the internet, and phew, we're all booked and ready to go now.

Also, the apartment thingy is right in the city! Like, we could walk over to the convention in probably about 20 minutes, which is awesome. Mum was worrying a bit because of the whole tram thing and the different road rules, but this will definately help.

And *still* no news on this third guest! I hope it's Rob. :D We're all waiting on you Rob, if it is you! xD

So, yay! I'm excited. Except the news of the supernatural con has kinda put a damper on it for me, lol.

Friday, October 10, 2008

//New Twilight Trailer/

In all it's HD glory!

Twilight Trailer

Love me some HD. <3><;; Must! Save! Bandwidth! *twitches*

//Change of plans./

So Jodie isn't coming to the convention. That's okay (though Danielle and I had a "D:?!" moment LOL), I just wished I'd bought the tickets a week earlier instead. Oh well. Hopefully it doesn't affect our seating too much. So Danielle and I are going on our own now. I got the confirmation email (I sent the form off on Sat I think) on...Tuesday I think.

Dammit I'm going to be so nervous meeting Ashley, Kellan and whoever the mystery third guest is. Having a friend is my safety net to meeting people! xDD I'll be all one word answers and trying to rush it so I can get it over with without embarrassing myself...LOL! Should be fine, though. Kellan and Ashley seem like really nice and upbeat people. I wouldn't mind a hug from Kellan either hahaha, apparently he gives good bear hugs! And if it was Robert that was going...lord help me. I'd be too nervous to speak. :|

And this way Danielle and I will just go halvies on a photo together with each actor, and get the photos signed together. And the rest of the money can go to Supernatural & Twilight merchandise! Gosh, I'm excited.

Not sure if Sarah's coming or not, yet. I'm getting impatient because I don't know how far ahead we need to book for the motel. Dx Because if she is coming, we'd be booking a motel one hour outside Melbourne, to fit four people. If she *isn't* coming, we'd book for the one inside the city. Though it'd be more I think they have a wheely bed thing for more people, so I don't know lol. We'll see, She's not sure if she can afford it, let alone get two days off work.

Better news though! Yesterday we *finally* got the Supernatural books (Season 1 & 2 companions, and 'The Supernatural Book of Monsters, Spirits, Demons and Ghouls')! Yaayyyy. Jeez, those took friggen for *ever*. And I think it's even the first delivery, which was sent in July! I thought that one was lost, and Amazon has another one coming...LOL. They said we can have it for free though. xP I've read the first companion, and it's pretty good. Lots of little tidbits and behind-the-scenes details, which I of course love! x)

Gotta have a photo of 'em, naturally. ;P

LOLZ @ my Gryffindor bookmark! Woot.

Mum, Dad, Danielle and I also went for about a five hour drive on Sunday. I think we passed Semaphore, Moana, and this other place...can't remember the name. xD I suck at knowing where we are/went. But Danielle took some nice pictures (I didn't hog the camera, wowza!). I forgot how much I love to go on drives/travel! Lots of pretty and interesting landscapes and stuff to see - makes me more excited for the Melbourne trip. :D

Piccies ahoy!

Corella's! c:


Lol, Myponga.

Heroes was on tonight, too. Danielle and I *just* bought Heroes 2 and watched it in time the other day, lol. 11 episodes in the whole season, gawd. Dang writes strike. And the new episodes...woah. So much going on, I'm pretty confused right now LOL.

Hmm, what else. Not much. Been playing Fable which we bought recently. Danielle heard about Fable II coming out Oct 23, and wanted to play the first one. I like it, reminds me of Guild Wars. I miss that game. :c

Ohoh and the last Twilight trailer is out tomorrow (or later, technically)! A lot of new movie stills/posters out too, which rocks.

Nearly 2am, time for bed!

Friday, October 3, 2008


Prepare for a text wall! *flexes fingers*

I'm Downloading the third episode of Supernatural now! =D Time travel, yay! It really looks awesome. I can't wait two weeks to see it here! Dx But I'll *try* not to download any more, I just have so much fun reading the Superatural IMDb board and I like to be up to date with episodes so I'm not spoiled. Ahh well.

But on to other things! I was on the Twilight Australia site the other day, and found out about an *Australian* (Melbourne and Sydney only, naturally. Melbourne would be the one we'd go to) Twilight convention happening in December!! Holy crap, I was so excited, I ran to Danielle's room (mind you, this was 1am haha) and was giggling like a fool, lol.

When we spoke to Mum and Dad about it in the morning, Mum was on a tirade saying how she couldn't get a day off during that time of the year. Dad said he didn't have a problem, he'd just take Monday off. But now Mum's taking us. I feel bad because it seemed that Dad wanted to go, but now he has to stay home with the dogs. We'll only be in Melbourne for three days though.

But yay, we're going!!

Danielle and I thought it'd be cool to bring a friend, and we thought about Sarah, but I really didn't think she'd be interested. Then we thought of Jodie, so I raced to write up and SMS and comment on her blog to ask, and wait ever so impatiently for her to reply. xD I want tickets ASAP!

At the moment Kellan (Emmett) and Ashley (Alice) are set to be going, and there's another undecided guest coming. I haasss to be Rob, please be Rob, lol.

It's expensive - $70 for a day pass, and as high as $750 for a platinum pass! Though that includes front seats, cocktail party and a breakfast with the guests among other things. The way we worked it out, if the three of us go and get autographs/photos it'll come to $220 - each.

And I read that they have merchandise stuff from other movies/tv shows - they even used Supernatural as an example! YAY. I'm hoping to get a big Supernatural poster, to replace my Anothony one. Sorry, Anth! And a Twilight one too. Sorry (captain!) Jack Sparrow, lolll.

*Next* was to figure out the fun stuff! [/sarcasm]

Danielle was looking at motel stuff today, and Mum came and helped afterward. A lot of the stuff around the city (one was almost on the same road as the con) are around $350 a night, which we knew was too pricey for us.

Now we've got our eyes on a motel about an hour outside of Melbourne for $165 a night, and fits six people. Better than the $13 backpackers place Danielle pointed out, lolll.
The motel is just around the corner from one of our old houses! Not that I remember it, we were just babies then.

Right now it sounds like we'll be leaving Friday arvo, Saturday we'll be doing stuff around Melbourne, Sunday is the Con and we'll leave on Monday.

I got an email from Sarah today saying that she's going to try to come with us. First I was like "What?! With Jodie? Talk about most awkward trip, ever! Gosh, is Jodie going to want to come now?! *panics*" Haha. Just...what. I didn't even really know she knew about it, so it shocked me that all of a sudden she's coming with us...

I don't know if Mum asked or not, but when she came home she was saying how she thought Jodie wasn't coming (dunno why she thought that, we haven't got a straight yes or a no yet) and that she wanted some company when she did other stuff while we were at the con, which I understand. I just think the drive will be awkward, but we'll see.

I don't mind them both coming, squishy in the car though, and the luggage...that's the though part.

It'd also make the travel (petrol will probably cost $300 all up) and accommodation a heck of a lot cheaper, 5 people paying and all. Plus Sarah always seems to keep things light and bubbly. c:

I'm hoping both of themcome, actually. Mum's being nice enough to drive us there, she might as well have some company while she has to wait around for us.

Ohoh, I completely forgot about the independant film Jensen filmed back in '07, called 'Ten Inch Hero'. I was on YouTube and I came across the trailer and a clip from the movie. Look at him! a Mohawk, muliple piercings and lol. But it seems like a really sweet and feel good movie. Have a lookie!

"It says here it can handle any amount of...oh my god!" LOL. Awkwaardd!

[/text wall]


= quizzes! I joined this website called BuddyTV, and it had a few quiz thingies. :P

Loool! Aw yay.

I dunno who this model is, I've only watched two seasons of the show. But, yay, space cadet! *salutes*


Cinderelly, yay!

Er...okay! I'd like to think I'm not as loopy as Taylor, but okay. xP

*blinks* O___o Well I definitely didn't grow up quickly! And...yeah. I don't think that's really right haha. I don't listen to Metallica!

Woot, Tom. xD <3>

I'm...clark? Do I get the superpowers too? =D

Aw, Lucy! Haven't seen the sequel yet though.

Bahaha whaaat.

Yayyy. Man, I want to watch this show again.