Monday, October 20, 2008


I love free stuff lol, so when Mum home from a lunch with Lucy (a friend she met from work) yesterday with a bag of makeup that had apparently fallen off a truck, I was pretty happy! LOL. There was a lot of stuff! Lucy kept some for herself, and then gave us some to share amongst ourselves and give some to Sarah as well.

We got some nice Cover Girl foundation that seems to fit my skin colour, (it's pale and pink-ish, so I have trouble finding the right one with out going through one million different types!) that's pretty awesome! It's in both the powder and liquid one, so that's cooolll. And some mascara, eye liner and Mum has some creams and stuff. :P

Ohh OMG, Danielle and I were on Mum & Dad's computer (I used to share it with them when we didn't have the laptop) and we were looking through our old files. Apart from some really old saved MSN convo's, we found these reaallly old pictures from '05 where we were being silly, LOL. Take a look! (click for bigger version)

Lolz. I can't keep a straight face! And the one where I cracked up, hahaha...*sigh* My gosh, we have to make an up dated one! xD

Still waiting on my receipt for the 'SuperOzCon'...(I prefer calling that then 'All Hell Breaks Loose' lol) but it's only been one day haha. And I read somewhere that The Hub was supposed to announce the location of the con...but nothing yet.

And *still* no mention of this mystery third guest coming to the Twilight Con! *bites nails anxiously* Hopefully we'll find out soon.

Yesss, Supernatural's on tonight again! :D